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学生-Managed Investment Fund

让自己沉浸在财富和投资组合管理的世界与奥克兰的学生管理投资基金. 奥克兰商学院的学生获得了管理由克雷斯基基金会资助的200万美元投资组合的实际经验. 与专业投资管理领导者的联系以及参与全球金融会议和竞赛,使学生投资组合经理具有明显的优势.

该基金是奥克兰管理投资基金课程的补充,该课程教授学生投资组合管理的基本知识, 股票选择和投资组合评估,同时让他们接触当地投资管理的职业机会.

本课程为学生提供投资组合管理的学习经验. 奥克兰商学院的管理投资基金课程是在该校的数据分析实验室开设的, 它配备了专业水平的金融工具,包括双屏彭博金融终端和股票行情报. Seats in the course are limited. Enrollment in the course must be approved. Click the gold 课程 Requirements text to expand list of requirements.

课程 Requirements/How to Enroll
  • 主要站
  • FIN 3220前提条件
  • 老师允许

To enroll in an upcoming course, interested students should email

  • a letter indicating your interest in the class
  • a resume that includes list of FIN and ACC classes completed and enrolled
  • unofficial transcript with G#
  • contact information, including email and phone number

via email to Professor Pratik Kothari. 学生s accepted into the course will receive email notification.

学生-Managed Investment Fund



  • 个人股票
  • 股票市场指数
  • 固定收益证券
  • 货币
  • 大宗商品
  • 期货
  • 外汇汇率

每个学生投资组合经理被分配到一个部门,以确定稳定或增长的业务, 长期收入趋势. 经理们正在寻找尚未被市场完全认可的良好基本面和增长潜力.

With the help of Bloomberg terminals, 管理人员使用与价值投资一致的过滤器来减少证券数量. Some filters include: Large and mid-sized market cap, 低市盈率, 保守的债务结构, 低市净率, high or increasing profit margin and ROE, relatively low analyst coverage.

本基金透过监察股票证券的市场价值相对于其内在价值,管理多元化的股票证券投资组合. 本基金力求获得与其基准相似的风险特征相一致的尽可能高的总回报, 的年代&P 500.

The Fund invests in common stocks trading on the NYSE, AMEX, and NASDAQ. If a security is delisted from a major exchange, it need not be sold immediately, however no more shares may be purchased. 本基金不从事期权、期货或任何其他衍生品的买卖.

Recommendations formally present to a class advisory board. 董事会, 由来自Kresge和其他底特律地区公司的投资专业人士组成, serve as a sounding board to review, challenge and fine tune the students’ recommended portfolio.

Meet Professor Pratik Kothari

Through the FIN 4360, Managing Investment Funds course, Dr. Pratik Kothari, leads the Oakland student investment management team. Dr. Pratik Kothari最近加入了365英国上市官网(365英国上市官网),带来了四年多的投资管理经验, 估值, 和咨询. 最近, he worked at Cornerstone 研究 in New York, 他在哪里为与市场操纵有关的重大金融诉讼和监管程序进行经济和财务分析.

He specializes in investments, 绩效评估, 资产定价, 金融市场, 大数据分析. He has presented his research at major academic and industry conferences, and his papers have been published in leading finance academic journals.

Dr. Kothari拥有位于鲁尔基的印度理工学院的本科学位, a masters in finance from the University of Texas at Austin, 和Ph值.D. from the University of Missouri.

Dr. 创始人Ranadeb Chaudhuri

Through his teaching and research, 365英国上市官网 finance professor Ranadeb Chaudhuri, 博士学位, has made an indelible impact on his students, colleagues and the complex world of finance.

A headshot of Ranadeb Chaudhuri

自2009年加入工商管理学院以来,博士. Chaudhuri has quickly carved out a long list of specialties, 包括投资, 资产定价, 企业融资, 金融市场 and investments.

He has presented papers at major conferences, 包括在澳大利亚墨尔本大学举行的“2013年澳洲金融:以金融地窖的最佳成果为基础”会议. 该会议每年只从300名申请者中接受20篇论文. Dr. Chaudhuri presented “What a Difference a Ph.D. Makes: More than Three Little Letters,他和密歇根州立大学的同事Zoran Ivković一起完成了这项研究, Joshua Pollet from the University of Illinois, 和Charles Trzcinka, 来自印第安纳大学. 本文考察了基金经理学历对基金管理行业的影响. 该论文还在大会上获得了2013年度城市话题论文奖, an honor given to the conference’s most “buzz-worthy” paper.

Dr. 乔杜里拥有印度理工学院(印度n Institute of Technology)数学学士和硕士学位, 印度, and a master’s degree in computational finance from Purdue University. 他获得了博士学位.D. in finance from Michigan State University


顶级金融和投资公司的专家将作为评议委员, challenge and fine tune the class’ portfolio recommendations. 顾问委员会成员也将作为客座讲师,分享他们在资产管理行业的个人经验,以补充课程.

  • Brian Edgar, senior vice president, investments, UBS Financial Services
  • Sean Feng, director, investment office, The Kresge Foundation
  • John Lesser, president, Plante Moran Financial Advisors
  • Chris Liparoto,美林财富管理公司财富管理高级副总裁
  • Jason Raznick, CEO, Benzinga
  • Phil Serra, first VP, investments, Merrill Lynch Wealth 管理

Kresge副总裁兼首席投资长罗布·马尼拉(Rob manila)说,Kresge创建这只学生管理投资基金是为了加强人才储备,填补当地投资岗位的空缺. Manilla拥有公开大学的金融学士学位,是其访问委员会的成员.

“该课程提供的课程和实践经验将为公开大学毕业生就业做好更好的准备. And by exposing students to a broader range of investment roles, 我们乐观地认为,我们将能够留住本地培养的人才——他们通常会前往纽约市获得第一次专业经验——去探索和填补底特律地铁公众中存在的许多有益的工作机会, private and philanthropic sectors.” ——罗伯·马尼拉

The Kresge Foundation is a $3.50亿私人, 总部设在底特律的国家基金会,致力于通过拨款和投资艺术和文化来扩大全国各城市的机会, 教育, 环境, 健康, human services and community development. 2014年,Kresge的董事会批准了408项奖励,总额为242美元.500万年.

“我们的投资办公室吸引学生从事本地资产管理职业的创意, 公开大学精心设计的课程让学生为现实生活中的机会做好准备,这是慈善资本如何支持社区的一个很好的例子.” – Kresge Foundation President & 首席执行官瑞普·瑞普森

School of 工商管理
